Was a bit of late min planning and packing as suddenly the night I needed to leave for the event I had an urgent request to sort a few photos for a magazine spread. We left kent at around 1am ready for a shuttle around 3ish, before a long drive down through France. Sadly the sat nav got us slightly confused and we ended up going through Paris at rush hour when we expected we should have been around the outskirts of it to avoid the mayhem. Sadly this meant about 1-2hours sat in traffic enjoying the driving habits of crazy parisians and the delights (or not so) of French radio. Im a big music lover and quite frankly I can admit hearing some songs I would normally hate was quite pleasing on the ear every 15-20mins as the rest of the music was really THAT bad!!!
Anyway, once out of Paris running wasnt to bad and we steadily headed further south towards the last climb on stage 11. We had selected this point in the race as it was late on and with the slight climb we were hoping for the race to have a breakaway or two plus the peleton to be at a reasonable pace to see the riders. So along we went to get as close to the point as possible until we were stopped going further by the local police. Sadly this was at the bottom of the climb so we had a lovely 5k walk uphil to get to where we wanted to be. Once at the top a well earned beer was in order :D.
Anyway we were a few hours infront of the race so had time to kill and just sat
So breakfast was there and a cold shower in the woods with some bottled water before heading
Still this wasnt as hard as it would get, as soon as Armstrong came out from warming up the atmosphere suddenly changed in an instant, it was electric and the whole area closed up, in the distance I could see a man in a t shirt waving his hands and fortunaetly could catch the top of his distinctive Livestrong helmet, so i knew where he was, yet I seemed to have the entire village in my way! Nightmare, still I was there for a photo of lance, and I wasnt going to go home without one, so i had to just keep firing off the shots trying to hope he kept staying in my line of sight and without random peoples heads getting in my view. He went passed and went to sign on, I think i had him but wasnt sure, i guess id have to wait and see once things had calmed down. Sadly when signing on the french left a bitter taste in my mouth for the trip, they had recently cheered an ex french rider who had failed drugs tests and was reported to have been heavily involved with a famous doping scandal, yet they turned to booing Armstrong, I dont know whether this is just the fact the french dont like the fact some american has come and destroyed every one of their riders on 7 occasions or if the people just were readers of the main french newspaper who seems intent on tarnishing Armstrongs reputation.
So it was the journey home, back to Britain. I had seen Armstrong, well id done more than see him, I managed to get what id come for, its not ideal but hey certainly it works for me!
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