Or not so is the case judging by how ive managed to neglet this blogging melarky. I dont know why but I just never seem to get round to writing updates. My hat goes off to those guys who are constantly sitting behind a pc adding to their blogs on a daily basis, I just couldnt do it.
So where do I start, well its now 2010, happy new year I guess... *bit late*....
Whats been going on, well im sure like me most of you will have had a few months of hell enduring snow, snow snow and now rain and more cold weather, I wonder if the summer ever will arrive? January was appauling so decided to put the cameras away for most of it and enjoy a small break in the sun...
Back to reality and the cold weather meant back into the swing of things, the usual music work spending hour upon hour in dark and loud clubs (it may sound like a moan but i do love it deep down) and not enough of a dry period to play with some new toys. The end of 2009 saw me decide to break out a bit more and invest in some portable lighting, a few phone calls later saw me join the elinchrom ranger owners club. What can I say but what a fantastic piece of kit (most of the time), and Robert White who I purchased from have fantastic customer service and I would recommend them to anyone. Sadly the Ownership hasnt been 100% with one unit having to go back due to an intermittent power fault, which the replacement unit has also started to have :( So im sure that may have to go back soon if i can live without 1 unit for a while again.
So back onto the actual melarky of taking photos, I think thats wh

Hopefully the weather may begin to improve so I can start to combine the passion of cars and photography more this year, jf its not the rain but the wind thats getting on my nerves. Anyone who has had to put a light high up into the air to get the effect you want will know how nerve racking it can be seeing it sway about in the wind even with some big weight on the bottom of the stand.
So back to the start and blogging, it aint easy eh! Hopefully I might not take so long between an update next time though.