Thursday, 5 November 2009


Yes thats a fantastic title, that was my reaction when I realised how long ago id posted and what ive been up to. Albeit in a brief post. Things have just been quite manic on a photography/personal level as ive also started training again and so hammering my body on a track/in a gym again on a daily basis. Also been sorting out some designs for the new logo/website I am getting done.. so watch this space.

Firstly I august was yes of course sw4/get loaded in the park, and as predicted it was suitably rocking. A brief story for the weekend could be... Wake up, bus, shoot all day, bus back off to the afterparty, shoot again, nearly drop camera off balcony, bed, wake late, run for bus, bus, shoot all day, nearly get fried by a 1billion w light rig on stage, end... home start processing and finally find my bed again...... Wicked fun but the body did feel it for a few days!

Ok back to normality, for a few weeks at the gallery (if you can call such a mad night out normal?).... Where I found a new angle and non flash shot to go for which I quite like...

October falls and we start the month off with a clothing launch for 48hrs. A new fresh brand with some nice designs and well made clothes, being a tall bugger at 6ft 6 often clothes seem to fit me like a stick in a crisp packet and it was nice to try on some of the bits and have something which fits!!

So fastforward a few more weeks and weekends of shooting and here we are in october where I had the pleasure of shooting a new night in london. Something with a twist midweek, its held in the rather spectacular venue of the penthouse in liecester square, a small but well styled and warm venue with a fantastic view of the city from the 6th floor. The event itself was the sugar dolls night, a spin off from a number of shot girls you may have seen throughout the city at varioous events.... Upon arrival being greeted by girls dressed in lavish outfits with fantastic headgear and a pink carpet I knew it would be considerably different to the usual nights I seem to shoot at... Well i wasnt mistaken, the event consisted of the usual music, and drink for the punters but they also had a great 'show' as to put it, with breakdancing going on midway through the night, girls dancing on the bar etc etc..... So thumbs up from me and a venture I wish all the best to in the future, its nice seeing things a bit different in the capital.